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Click Here to Bookmark our Litha Live Gemstone Sale, Now on YouTube- June 15, 2024
Click Here to Bookmark our Litha Live Gemstone Sale, Now on YouTube- June 15, 2024
We Three

We Three

I am lucky. There, I said it. Lucky. Why, you ask? Because I get to see a side of Inked Goddess Creations that most of you don’t get to see. I am Morgan’s first, and until recently, only employee. I get to work at the greatest place ever! Yes, it’s still a job and yes, it’s work, but getting to help create positivity and light in this dark world is beyond soul-soothing. I get to hang out with an awesome friend while drinking coffee, or giant vats of vanilla Diet Coke, wearing my slippers and playing with her menagerie of pets. Plus, we’ve both been married to our best friends for 18 years, so naturally, we talk smack about our husbands occasionally. It’s therapy and work, all rolled into one.
We Three on The Inked Grimoire
So what does a typical workday look like? If it’s during the school year, I drop off my kids at school and make the long drive across town, but if it’s summer, I get to bring my kids to work. My kids are the same age as Morgan's kids, so they get playmates and play dates while we work. It’s the best of both worlds.

Sometimes we jump right into our day and sometimes we spend way too much time talking about anything but the work ahead of us. Sometimes we plan and throw ideas around. I love being part of the creative process and I love to see Morgan’s astounding business acumen and creativity poured into her products. There’s a certain magick to seeing all of our thoughts and ideas come together into the monthly Magick Mail. I get absolutely giddy to see new products in the store and am privileged to get to purchase new items before they hit the store. There’s rarely a week that goes by that I don’t go home with some new magickal goody. I think I might actually get more excited than the dogs when the UPS or FedEx truck pulls into driveway. I can’t wait to see what we are creating next from the barrage of packages arriving.

So, on to our day. I have a laminated to-do list, as does Morgan. We go through orders and split up our duties. We also have a second employee, Juliana, who helps keep us both organized by doing things that help us stay on track, like keeping inventory in check. When it’s time for the daunting task of packing Magick Mail boxes, her entire family gets involved. We try to work as efficiently as possible to keep the flow going but sometimes our day might be interrupted by a child needing homework help or a missing hedgehog that takes us an hour to find. Sometimes we light incense or candles and put on soothing music but just as often, we put on 90s rap and sing along. We might make an occasional Starbucks run or break for lunch but sometimes we are so busy, we eat while we work. Rest assured, your products are filled not only with positivity and magick, but also with laughter, love, occasional cursing and caffeine-fueled energy.

I’m a huge Terry Pratchett fan and several of his Discworld books feature a trio of witches. I often think of work when I’m reading his books because our workspace has a special kind of synergy. I’ve never voiced this until now, but because of our age differences, we embody the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone, just like the trio of witches in Pratchett’s books. The reason I’ve never mentioned it is because, sigh, I am the Crone. Although Morgan and I have kids the same age, I also have kids older
than our third, the fair Maiden. I’m old enough to have grandchildren but none of my grown children have blessed me yet. I like to think we each bring a unique perspective of our age and generation to the workspace.

So, the next time you open a package from Inked Goddess Creations, remember it comes from a place of craziness, laughter, and most of all- love. I can’t wait to see what the future brings. Perhaps it’s time to break out my tarot cards and see.


Author Bio:

Amy is a mother of four kids, ranging in age from 12 to 28. She has been married to her best friend for 18 years. A native to northern Indiana, she and her family moved to Arizona in 2012 to help her rheumatoid arthritis. Amy considers herself a pagan but doesn’t adhere to any one practice or pantheon, although she is very drawn to Gaia and loves all things outdoors. She loves to search the desert for cool gemstones, rocks and minerals for her rock garden. She also loves cooking and dabbles in a bit of kitchen witchery. Amy loves animals and her household is blessed with a dog, cat, guinea pig, turtle, countless fish and 5 chickens.

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