The Inked Grimoire

  • Lesser-Known Norse Myths

    Lesser-Known Norse Myths

    Everyone knows that Thor carries a hammer, Odin is the king of the gods, and Loki is ever the trickster, but what about some of the lesser-known myths and deities of Norse legend? It turns out, there are some fun legends that get much less airtime in pop culture. Let’s explore some!
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  • Friday the 13th: Myths and Meaning

    Friday the 13th: Myths and Meaning

    The fear associated with Friday the 13th comes from many Christian constructs hundreds of years ago as they were trying to abolish paganism. For witches, Friday the 13th can be a day of power, facing your fears, and embracing your sexuality, especially for women! 
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  • Trickster Magick – Be Careful What You Ask For!

    Trickster Magick – Be Careful What You Ask For!

    Across cultures and throughout human history, the trickster plays an integral role in myths, legends, and magick. Sometimes this role takes a positive turn, and sometimes the trickster gives you more than you bargained for. The key to trickster magick is to remember that you may not always get what you asked for – or even what you wanted – but you’ll get what you need.

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