The Inked Grimoire
Full Moon in Virgo- March 1, 2018
This full moon you'll see on March 1st is at 11 degrees Virgo. Since Virgo rules both work and health, this full moon will have an affect on both of these areas in your life, and so much more! -
New Moon in Aquarius- February 15, 2018
A day after Valentine's Day we are greeted by a new moon in air sign Aquarius, as well as a partial solar eclipse! -
Grounding and Centering for the Beginner Witch
The purpose of grounding and centering is to stabilize your energy, draw energy from the Earth, and to bring yourself to a positive state of being. -
Super Blue Blood Moon- January 31st, 2018
The full moon in Leo on January 31st is being called a Super Blue Blood Moon, for its powerful energy. -
New Moon in Capricorn- January 16, 2018
New moon in Capricorn teaches us to be resourceful, organized, grounded, and determined so that we can use our personal power to be successful and achieve our goals! -
Full Moon in Cancer- January 1, 2018
This Cancer full moon is a chance to gain more understanding into your own personal themes for 2018. -
Crafting a Commercial Broom into a Witch's Besom
'Tis the season for the grocery stores and home decor stores to be filled with decorative brooms, many of them scented- Cinnamon, Pine, and even Pumpkin Spice! I get asked all the time- "Can these commercial brooms be used as besoms?" -
New Moon in Sagittarius- December 17, 2017
This new moon in Sagittarius is the best time for making a fresh start and creating your own reality! -
Divination for the Beginner Witch
Divination is the art of looking into and interpreting the future, and gaining “hidden” knowledge through intuition, the aid of a higher power, and/or the use of divining tools. -
Full Super Moon in Gemini- December 3, 2017
This December 3rd brings a very special lunar event! Because the moon will be closer to our planet it is considered a Super Moon. -
New Moon in Scorpio- November 18, 2017
The New Moon in Scorpio will bring huge changes for everyone, and staying positive is the key to adapting and using the power in a positive way. -
Full Moon in Taurus- November 4, 2017
On Saturday November 4th, the Full Moon occurs in Taurus. This is a time of finding security and comfort through the simple, tangible things in life, and more!