Full Moon in Leo- February 5, 2023

On February 5th, the Full Moon in Leo arrives to help you shine your inner light and put your own needs first. Leo energy is strong, confident, and dynamic, and this is the energy this Full Moon could empower you with. This Leo Full Moon wants you to make sure you are taking care of your needs first. Self-care is not selfish, and the more you tap into your own energy, the easier you can move forward in your life with your goals and plans.
This Full Moon is being highly affected by the planets Venus and Mars' square aspect. This alignment could cause tension and conflicts, especially within relationships of the home, family, or romantic natures. Be sure your relationships are a balance of give-and-take, and this Full Moon may shed light on those dynamics for you so that you can take action. Be mindful of what people are showing you more than what they are saying, and understand that if a conflict arises, it could clear the air so that calm energy can then follow.
The Leo Full Moon is also square Uranus, causing you to look for more excitement in your life right now. Uranus's energy can help you change your perspective on a situation so that you can find a solution to a problem or even see the truth of a matter. You might feel the urge to simplify your surroundings, and that's a great way to work with this Full Moon's energy for the next two weeks. If you also find yourself more productive and eager to attain your goals, that also coincides with this moon's energy, so go with it. Just be sure to take breaks so you can renew your energy and don't get burned out.
Happy Full Moon in Leo!