New Moon in Capricorn- January 12/13, 2021

The first New Moon of 2021 falls under earth sign Capricorn. This New Moon is likely to feel intense, due to its conjunction to planet Pluto. Pluto helps you deal with your shadow self, which triggers a journey of inner transformation. You will be faced by your deeper issues in order to change and create new ways of living.
Earth sign Capricorn is ambitious and likes to finish what they start. This energy makes you feel motivated to commit to your New Year's resolutions. However, this could be met with some tension since planet Mars is square Saturn, which represents boundaries or restrictions. Don’t worry if you are not able to find an immediate solution to all your problems. Focus on improving and making the most of your current situation!
Planet Jupiter is also square Saturn. This energy suggests that you should avoid taking risks and overindulging, and practice moderation instead. Make wise choices now, as this New Moon is an opportunity to set the theme for the year ahead. Invest your time and energy into creating new goals that bring growth and success into your life!
-Juliana M. Fanucchi