New Moon in Sagittarius- December 7, 2018

December 7th brings the final new moon of 2018. Sagittarius energy broadens our perspectives and encourages us to renew our goals for the future! It’s a perfect time to write down what you want to achieve in the new year. Go ahead and dream big, as being optimistic about what you want will help attract the best opportunities for your life!
On December 6th, the day before the new moon, planet Mercury went direct, supporting us in moving forward with any project we are involved in now. Just make sure you stay focused on only one thing at a time. It may be easy to become overly idealistic and take on too much. You’ll feel a lot better if you’re able to finish something you've started!
Fire sign Sagittarius enjoys excitement, which can sometimes lead to exaggeration when dealing with others. Try not to add unnecessary drama into situations simply because you feel bored. Instead, use that energy to be creative in your down time. Take a trip out of town, learn a new instrument, or escape into a book that expands your imagination. Anything that allows you to explore something new and positive!
Wishing you an inspiring new moon in Sagittarius!
Best wishes
-Juliana M. Fanucchi
Author Bio:
Juliana uses astrology to understand how the planets can affect us on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Raised as a Nichiren Buddhist, she studies other metaphysical interests like numerology, music, tarot, and gemstones. She received her 200 hour yoga certification in December 2016. She currently lives in Tucson, Arizona. You can follow her on Instagram-