New Moon in Virgo- September 17, 2020

New Moon in Virgo- September 17, 2020

On September 17, the New Moon in Virgo arrives to motivate you. New Moons are a time of new beginnings. Earth sign Virgo deals with practicality, sensitivity, and physical health. The previous Full Moon was in Pisces, which helped you take a closer look at how you cope with emotions. This month, the Virgo New Moon helps motivate you to create new routines that improve your daily life and your well-being.

This New Moon forms a trine to Saturn, which is retrograde in Capricorn. Saturn Retrograde has a stabilizing influence that helps you clarify your long term goals. Since you will want to remain realistic, your emotions might not seem as important right now. Make time in your busy schedule to take care of yourself!

Virgo’s efficiency gives you the tools you need to set plans in motion. There will be no shortage of energy to put towards a new project. However, try not to get so caught up in the details that you don’t notice signs and synchronicities guiding you toward your true purpose. Avoid feeling irritable or uptight by improving your diet, exercise routine, and daily habits. This will allow you to feel grounded and balanced within yourself.

Wishing you a productive New Moon in Virgo!

~Juliana M. Fanucchi

Author Bio:
Juliana began studying astrology at a young age.  She believes that through understanding how the planets affect us, we can learn how to use their energies to better ourselves and our lives.  Juliana studies other metaphysical subjects including numerology, tarot, gemstones, and practices Nicherin Buddhism.  In 2016, she earned her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Certification. She currently resides in Tucson, Arizona. 
Posted on by Megan Winkler
Posted on by Megan Winkler