The Inked Grimoire

  • Imbolc for the Busy Witch

    Imbolc for the Busy Witch

    Welcome to the season of Imbolc! This sabbat celebrates renewal, rejuvenation, and a return of the light. It’s a soft time when things are beginning to stir after the sleepy, cold winter.
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  • Brigid: Goddess of Fire & Inspiration

    Brigid: Goddess of Fire & Inspiration

    Brigid is the Celtic Goddess of Fire and Inspiration. Her magick centers around sacred fire, healing water, and creative inspiration. She’s a nurturing triple goddess, and you can call on her when you need help finding motivation, protection, healing, wisdom, and more.

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  • Celebrating Imbolc – A Return To The Light

    Celebrating Imbolc – A Return To The Light

    Spring is coming – can you feel it? Imbolc marks the half-way point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, and it’s a celebration of the return to life. In the Celtic seasonal calendar, it also marks the start of the lambing season – when the lambs are born for spring. It is a time of celebration, renewal, and hope.
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