Imbolc for the Busy Witch

Imbolc for the Busy Witch

Welcome to the season of Imbolc! This sabbat celebrates renewal, rejuvenation, and a return of the light. It’s a soft time when things are beginning to stir after the sleepy, cold winter. And, it’s a beautiful time to reconnect with your witchiest side after Yule. Keep reading for some easy ways to celebrate Imbolc if you’re a busy witch like us!

What is Imbolc?

Imbolc falls on the evening of February 1st and continues through the morning of February 2nd. The sabbat is also known as Candlemas. Back in the day, people would light candles at nightfall and let them burn through the night until the morning to celebrate the oncoming spring.

Please don’t do that this year, though. To avoid accidents, light a candle in the evening of February 1st for a bit. Then blow it out before going to bed. You can burn the same candle in the morning to continue your observance.

Reawakening from snow/ reawakening of the sun and you! Soft, just beginning to stir.

Correspondences for Imbolc


As mentioned above, Imbolc is all about reawakening from the snow and the sun's return. It’s a soft reawakening, so all of the colors for Imbolc are similarly soft:

  • White
  • Yellow
  • Lavender
  • Gold
  • Light Green


Imbolc is perfect for busy witches! If you want to celebrate, here’s our suggestion for décor:

  • Candles
  • Candles
  • And more candles!

In all seriousness, Brigid is the Celtic goddess of fire and inspiration. This is her time of year. When the Catholics were trying to convert everyone over, they turned her into St. Brigid and her time became Candlemas. So, candles really are the best way to decorate for the sabbat.

Other décor ideas:

  • Brigid’s cross
  • Corn dolly
  • White flowers, especially Snowdrops. These are the first flowers to come through the snow and peek out at the sun.


  • Groundhog
  • Robin
  • Deer
  • Swan
  • Badger


  • Amethyst – creativity, stress relief, calm, meditation
  • Chrysocolla – reawakening, peace
  • Turquoise – peace of mind, tranquility
  • Malachite – transformation

Brigid-specific Gemstones:

Fire crystals are perfect for connecting directly with Brigit. Add the following to your altar:

  • Carnelian
  • Fire agate
  • Fire quartz


  • Dragon’s blood – strength and power; personal power and reawakening after the winter.
  • Vanilla – inspiration, success, gentle motivation.
  • Neroli – peace and creativity.
  • Jasmine – soft awakening.
  • Wisteria – soft opening.
  • Copal – cleansing.
  • Frankincense – cleansing.


Of course we can’t give you a list of correspondences without some ideas about what to eat at the sabbat. This is super easy!

  • Blackberries – grounding and abundance
  • Dairy – traditionally this would be the first milk of the season
  • Oats
  • Cornbread
  • Rosemary
  • Lavender

Some rosemary bread from the grocery store and some fun cheese is perfect for Imbolc celebrations! There’s no reason to make it hard.


Busy Witch Magick for Imbolc

Candle Magick

Candle magick is the easiest by far! And the easiest form of candle magick requires only one thing! All you have to do is hold a mini candle in your dominant hand and think about your wishes or intentions. Just light the candle to ignite them!

  • White
  • Gold
  • Lavender
  • Green


Cleaning and Cleansing

Imbolc is about renewal and rebirth, so you want to cleanse away the old this time of year. Be sure to clean first! Clean yourself and your sacred space and your home.

Throw things out that you don’t need anymore. Release mental things you don’t need to carry around any longer. Then, cleanse your space. You can do this a few different ways:

  • Burn herbs or resins (smoke cleansing)
  • Sound cleansing with bells or rattles. Music also works!
  • Salt – sprinkle it and then vacuum or sweep it up.
  • Floor washes.

When you cleanse your home, start at your front door and cleanse clockwise around your entire home. Then, when you return to your front door, push it all out. Be sure to open all your windows, doors, and cabinet doors, too, so you keep pushing the negative energy in front of you and out of the house! You don’t want to give it any place to hide.


Creating and Writing

Brigid is a muse for artists, writers, and poets. If you feel the urge to create something, do it! This is the perfect time to pull out your journal, art supplies, or to try a new creative pursuit. Listen to the promptings to be artistic – it might be Brigid sending you a message!


Spells for Imbolc

If you’d like to use this time for writing and casting spells, now is perfect for:

  • Renewal
  • Rebirth
  • Creativity
  • Inspiration

And, as always, remember that YOU are the magick. Blessed Imbolc!


Posted on by Morgan Moss
Posted on by Morgan Moss