New Moon in Aquarius- January 21, 2023

New Moon in Aquarius- January 21, 2023

On Saturday, January 21st, the New Moon in Aquarius inspires us to all think bigger for ourselves and humanity. This New Moon's energy is perfect for wiping the slate clean (maybe on resolutions that have already fallen to the wayside) and starting fresh. With this New Moon in the air sign of Aquarius, it's a great time to look at the big picture of your life and your long-term goals. What energy can you put out there now that you want to draw towards you for a successful future? 

This New Moon will also put a spotlight on relationships in your life. Make time for those who nurture your soul, and cut ties with those people or situations that no longer bring you joy (or worse, abuse you or take advantage of you). Under this New Moon energy, it will be easier to break yourself free from bad habits, toxic situations, and self-sabotaging behavior.

This moon is in the sign of Aquarius, an innovator, and creative dynamo. Aquarius energy urges you to think outside of the box when at work, play, or facing problems in your life. Under this sign, any seeds that you plant will be energized with forward movement and success. Because of this, you might find it easy to come up with ideas for your future and have the motivation to begin working on them immediately. Your productivity could be at an all-time high during this New Moon, so make the most of it and dream big! 

Wishing you a productive New Moon in Aquarius,

Posted on by Megan Winkler
Posted on by Megan Winkler