When I ordered it I wasn’t sure what to expect with cinnamon, honey, and myrrh, but the end result is amazing!
I am not a huge fan of the scent..completely. For me personally when I ordered this I expected a much stronger cinnamon scent as I LOVE me some cinnamon. I also ordered it because I have a love for Hecate and even got her as my "Which Goddess Are You" quiz results here on IGC. However to me the honey sweetness parts of the scent are a bit overbearing for my personal taste. This does not make it a bad product by any means and I feel someone else may love it. As an empath I am a bit sensitive to certain scents so buying something without smelling it first in person can be hit or miss with me. Although its not my ideal scent completely I still highly recommend it if you are interested in it because IGC items are top notch. Its beautifully packaged and well thought out as are all of their products.
Myrrh. Honey. Cinnamon. When these three scents are blended, the result is AWESOME!
I spray it on practically everything. I'm a new customer and i can't wait to try all of the other mists for magick!
Smells EXACTLY as described! Honey note is the strongest. Cinnamon and myrrh are noticeable as well. Smells SO good. Definitely a nice tribute to Hecate. Feels like something to catch her attention and know I am keeping her in mind as I wear it. Will be buying again when I run out.
I bought this mist at the same time as I bought Vampires Kiss and I am going to have to rotate them because they both smell so nice. I love the herbs mixed into this mist and love knowing I'm connecting with Hecate when I wear it.
deep and earthly scent , love it , remeber to shake it up the herbs kinda all formed a ball o.o