Full Moon in Cancer- December 26, 2023

The Full Moon in Cancer arrives on December 26, 2023, ending this year in an emotional way. Cancer is ruled by the moon, so expect this Full Moon to feel more intense than others. As a water sign, Cancer rules emotions, intuition, and the home, so these areas will be the focus of this last Full Moon of 2023.
As we are bringing a close to this year and preparing for the next, this Full Moon in Cancer helps shed light on areas of our lives where we are weighed down with emotional baggage. Now is the time to make note of these things that you wish to release so that you can do so on New Year's Eve, as a way to say goodbye to 2023 and wipe the slate clean for 2024. As you take time with this Full Moon for introspection, be sure to express your gratitude for the blessings and accomplishments of 2023, no matter how small.
You may find that your intuition and divine connection are heightened under this Full Moon. Divine messages, downloads, and inspiration are likely to occur. Pay attention to any dreams, messages, synchronicities, etc. that occur, as they may contain powerful information from your divine energy source or your higher self. The connection to your authentic self is also stronger under this Cancer Full Moon, so the more you nurture this connection, the more you bring your authentic self to the surface in a safe and loving way.
Family relationships and home life might also be a huge focus for you under this Full Moon. Be sure that you have surrounded yourself with things and people that provide comfort and nurture you. If not, it might be time to do some cord cuttings or releasings with the upcoming Waning Moon phase in a few days.
Happy Full Moon in Cancer!