Full Moon in Sagittarius - May 23, 2024

Full Moon in Sagittarius - May 23, 2024

We kick off Gemini Season with a powerful Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23rd! Also known as the Flower Moon, this Full Moon promises to bring some wanderlust to your life. Explore new places, and experience something novel, even right in your city – you never know what’s waiting for you! The Sag vibes are strong with this phase and may help you embrace a more abundant mindset and optimism about where you’re going. 

Along with this fresh, vibrant vibe is the reminder to practice both gratitude and intentional joy. While Sagittarius will encourage something new, don’t just jump into new things for the sake of jumping in. Give them an honest go by setting an intention for that experience and then moving forward joyfully.

This Full Moon is named for the fresh May flowers springing up during this time of year. Take a few moments in this busy world of ours, and admire the way that Mother Nature has woken up all around you. Admiration turns into gratitude, and that gratitude will help propel you toward more abundance and higher vibes.

Extending our attention to the rest of the Solar System, Neptune is active during this Full Moon. As the planet of dreams, Neptune brings us more chances to be creative and reach higher than before. Remember to trust your intuition, and – as we always say here at IGC – YOU are the magick. As you look at where you’ve come since the previous New Moon, notice the wins. Lean into the Moon’s magick by giving an extra boost to your creative projects or new ventures. And then, as the moon begins to wane, focus on the positive – what worked and how well it worked – rather than being tempted to become negative about anything.

Jupiter will also play a big role in this Full Moon as the ruler of Sagittarius, giving us an extra boost of good fortune, expansion, and abundance. Bask in this vibe for this Full Moon and use the energy to help magnetize your desires to you.

Here’s what to expect based on your Sun and Rising Signs:

Aries: Get ready to have your beliefs challenged! With your tough vibe, though, the beliefs that truly matter will remain firm.

Taurus: Enjoy the abundance and optimism of this Full Moon, even when things get a little more emotional.

Gemini: Focus on your one-on-one connections in all parts of your life. This is a time for finding common ground.

Cancer: Prioritize self-care, including more practical forms of self-care, like doctor visits. Be sure to care for your personal relationships, too!

Leo: It’s all about pleasure and creativity for you this Full Moon! Listen to your inner child and do something fun.

Virgo: Look for drama at home—the Full Moon may highlight conflict there.

Libra: Your communication may be affected by the Full Moon. Ground yourself often through the Full Moon, as the energy may leave you feeling heady and frantic.

Scorpio: This Full Moon is all about the money for you! You may feel prompted to explore your true value. This might be the perfect time to ask for that raise you’ve been chasing.

Sagittarius: You’ll likely feel a little more vulnerable as your emotions peak with the Moon. Take some time for yourself, and remember that your loved ones love and support you.

Capricorn: This Full Moon is affecting your spiritual life big time, and although it goes against your workhorse nature, it’s the perfect time to step back from the busyness of life and spend some time in creative imagination or self-reflection.

Aquarius: You might feel more connected to those around you, especially at work, in your friend group, or the community. Your shadow work during this moon cycle could lead you to exciting collaborations!

Pisces: You’re a shining star in this Full Moon, as it falls in your career zone. Be bold and step up when asked to take the lead in a project or get ready for advancement, perhaps through a promotion. You’ll bring a sensitive approach to leadership.

Happy Full Moon, witches!

Stay Magickal,
Megan W.

Posted on by Morgan Moss
Posted on by Morgan Moss