Kids' Magick: Making Magick With Your Wee Ones

Kids' Magick: Making Magick With Your Wee Ones

Introducing the children in your life to magick may seem like second nature. In case it doesn’t, here are some ideas for helping your kids live a more magickal life. Who knows, these activities may inspire you to live more magickally as well! 

Magickal Crafts

Kids love crafts, and one of the easiest ways to teach them about magick is to get crafty. You can create a besom, color mandala pages together, or harvest and bundle herbs from the garden for cleansing bundles. As you craft, talk about the ingredients or tools, and the intent in the object’s creation. Here are some other ideas for crafty magick:

  • Make a wand from a found twig from your backyard.
  • Create a magick spoon for kitchen witchery. Decorate it with ribbons or charms.
  • Bake moon cookies.
  • Build a fairy garden.
  • Make salt dough ornaments – for any season!
  • Make a Brigid’s cross or God’s eye. 


Introduce them to Herbs

When my daughter was little, she had the common fear of monsters under the bed and in the closet. I relabeled a lavender room spray with the name “Monster Go Away Spray,” and scared them off with the spray. Let me tell you, it worked! Depending on your child's age, you can introduce them to herbs in the kitchen as they help you cook or teach them to use sage sprays to cleanse a space. Get creative, too – invite them to help pick out soaps for handwashing and research the herbs used in them together. Plant some herbs in the garden together and discuss the magickal and mundane uses. Invite them to pick out what essential oil to diffuse for the day. 


Make Music Together

Drumming, chanting, and sound cleansing around your home together can be an excellent way to introduce the kids in your life to the magick of music. You can create a drum circle together in the backyard or living room…even if you don’t have drums! Clap, stomp, and dance around together and celebrate how our bodies can move, how air fills our lungs, and how firm the earth is below our feet.


Build an Altar

Create a space with your wee one for their personal magickal practice. Encourage them to gather items from nature to add to it or display their magickal art around it. When it’s time for a change of season or near the sabbats, ask for their help with an altar refresh if you have a shared family altar. It can be a great way to teach them about the uses of specific tools and the Wheel of the Year. 

Remember, children are curious by nature and can tap into their imagination in ways that we adults can struggle with. Encourage the kids in your life to ask questions about magick, join you in meditation or journaling, or participate in an age-appropriate ritual. Your gentle guidance will help them learn that they are magickal beings too!

Posted on by Nicole Juliana
Posted on by Nicole Juliana