Moon Goddesses for Divine Feminine Magick

Moon Goddesses for Divine Feminine Magick

The mystery of the moon has captivated humanity since the beginning. As with every powerful force in nature, the moon received deities and stories about how it came to be. While some moon goddesses seem to get all the attention, deities associated with the moon can be found worldwide.

Amesemi – Kushite Moon Goddess

Amesemi is a Kushite goddess and is known for her protective nature. Depicted as a falcon or woman with a crescent moon on her head and a falcon standing on the moon, Amesemi is often seen near her husband, the lion-god Apedemak.

Coyolxāuhqui – Aztec Moon Goddess

Coyolxāuhqui is an Aztec moon goddess. The story goes that her mother, Coatilce, the mother earth goddess, became miraculously pregnant from a ball of hummingbird feathers that fell to earth, which she placed in her pocket while sweeping her shrine. Her kids, including Coyolxāuhqui, were ashamed of this mysterious pregnancy and plotted against her. When Coatilce’s children were attacking, her newest son, Huitzilopochtli, sprang fully formed from her womb and killed Coyolxāuhqui. Her head was separated from her body and in some stories, that very head was tossed into the sky and became the moon.

Mama Quilla – Inca Moon Goddess

“Mother Moon,” Mama Quilla, is an Incan goddess of the moon. She is the mother of the mythical founders of the Incan empire and culture, oversees marriage and the menstrual cycle, and is known as a defender of women. It’s said that she cries tears of silver and is incredibly beautiful. She was essential to how Incan society calculated the passage of time, and many rituals throughout the year were set to the lunar calendar.

Changxi – Chinese Moon Goddess

Changxi, or Changyi, is a part of the traditional Chinese pantheon. Her first mention is in a single sentence from the text, The Cannon of the Mountains and Seas. “The Emperor Jun married Changxi, who gave birth to twelve moons.”  These 12 moons were all daughters who completed an entire journey across the heavens each day. They are the counterparts to their 12 Sun half-siblings birthed by their father’s other consort, Xihe.  

Anumati – Hindu Full Moon Goddess

When the moon is full, Anumati is said to be working her magick. This Hindu goddess is resting for the rest of the month. Her name means “Divine Favor,” and she brings gifts of inspiration, wealth, and sons. Anumati is a form of Shakti.

Bendis – Thracian Moon Goddess

Bendis, often merged with the Greek goddess Artemis, is the Thracian goddess of hunting and the moon. She was usually accompanied by dancing satyrs and maenads and was worshiped in orgiastic rituals. Her name means “to bind,” and because of this, she was also seen as an overseer of marriage.

Selene – Greek Moon Goddess

Selene, and her Roman counterpart Luna, is the goddess and personification of the moon. She’s the sister of the sun god Helios and goddess of the dawn, Eos. She drove her chariot across the heavens each night, pulling the moon with her. Selene is also associated with Artemis and Hecate as lunar goddesses, but Selene is the only one of the three who is the personification of the moon itself.

Artemis and Hecate

It’s important to note that although Artemis and Hecate are often referred to as goddesses of the moon, they are better known as goddesses of other aspects. Artemis, for example, is the goddess of the hunt, young women, nature, childbirth, and perhaps ironically, chastity. Hecate is best known for her dominion over magick, protection, and dogs and as the goddess of the crossroads. Since both goddesses are also associated with the nighttime, they may appreciate some attention when working your moon magick. Ask them to find out!

Stay magickal,
Megan W.

Posted on by Morgan Moss
Posted on by Morgan Moss