New Black Moon in Leo- July 31, 2019

On July 31, New Moon in fire sign Leo is the second new moon in the month of July, which is known as a Black Moon. This moon brings unexpected change in love and finances. Planet Venus is also square Uranus, which can cause you to feel anxiety or stress. Use this energy to notice when these emotions arise and see where they are stemming from. When change happens, it can feel like you're losing your sense of control. But change is inevitable, and just remember that you have the power to overcome and even thrive in any situation!
Leo’s capacity for courage helps you realize your own strengths. When contemplating new goals for yourself, you should listen to what your heart is telling you. This is especially true since one of Leo’s lessons is to learn what it means to give and receive real love. The desire to be appreciated and recognized for your talents helps you realize your true passions. We could all use this Leo energy to apply this to ourselves during this time, and be brave enough to step into the limelight to allow your unique gifts to be seen!
We’ve made it halfway through the summer, and there’s still time to get out, have fun socializing, and experiencing new things! Just be careful not to overspend or overindulge to keep the good times rolling. Use this New Moon to expand in other ways, such as learning a new philosophy, creating something special, or finding new ways express yourself!
I hope you all have a wonderful start to this next month of August. Wishing you an exciting New Moon in Leo!
-Juliana M. Fanucchi
Author Bio:
Juliana began studying astrology at a young age. She believes that through understanding how the planets affect us, we can learn how to use their energies to better ourselves and our lives. Juliana studies other metaphysical subjects including numerology, tarot, gemstones, and practices Nicherin Buddhism. In 2016, she earned her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Certification. She currently resides in Tucson, Arizona.