New Moon in Cancer- June 24, 2017

Hello readers, hope everyone is enjoying their Summer so far! June 24th brings a New Moon in Water sign Cancer, helping us to keep cool in this record heat. Water signs are the most sensitive signs of the Zodiac, flowing back and forth between reality and imagination. Using this New Moon energy to help us recognize our emotions and how to express them in positive ways will be helpful during this time.
Cancer's symbol is the Crab. The crab uses its hard shell and sharp pincers to defend its delicate insides, much like those born under this sign. This is just an example of how Cancer learns to nurture and protect itself when feeling vulnerable or threatened. It would be wise to take note of these traits under this New Moon influence. We are encouraged to take time to do things that make us feel comfortable, safe, and at ease. This starts from within, but surrounding ourselves with loved ones can help us to find comfort as well!
Planet Mercury moved into Cancer on June 21st, which brought a balance to the emotional focus this month. Mercury affects communication, messages and thoughts. This works well with the sign Cancer by bringing clarity when dealing with personal and work relationships. Intuition could be heightened too, so making important decisions during this time should be easier than usual, allowing us to relax and enjoy our work life!
New Moon represents new beginnings. With Cancer fueling our emotional needs we will want to do what feels right to us. If you've been considering starting a new business venture, it should be successful. With this New Moon we are especially alert and observant, eager to put our plans into action!
Remember to accept, honor and appreciate your truest and deepest feelings right now. Commit to your personal goals for the long term, learning to support yourself first so that you can do the same for others with compassion. We each have a chance to create positive changes within our lives, inspiring others to do the same. Best wishes!
-Juliana M. Fanucchi
Author Bio:
Juliana uses astrology to understand how the planets can affect us on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Raised as a Nichiren Buddhist, she studies other metaphysical interests like numerology, music, tarot, and gemstones. She received her 200 hour yoga certification in December 2016. She currently lives in Tucson, Arizona. You can follow her on Instagram-