New Moon in Sagittarius- December 12, 2023

New Moon in Sagittarius- December 12, 2023

The New Moon in Sagittarius arrives on December 12, 2023, bringing a much-needed breath of optimism, joy, and luck to the holiday season. Sagittarius energy is adventurous and fun, and New Moons encourage you to set intentions, embark on new beginnings, and forge a new path into the world. This combination of Sagittarius energy and the New Moon is a recipe for adding more pleasure and joy to your life, especially when it comes to your big-picture goals. Dream big with this New Moon. What do you want 2024 to hold for you? What about beyond that? What are your huge goals in life? Think big, dream big, and set your intentions big under this New Moon. 

In order to manifest the intentions you are setting, this Sagittarius New Moon wants you to face any fears or limiting beliefs that are holding you back. Dreaming big is only half of the equation. If you don't open yourself to receive the change or expansion that is waiting for you, then it won't come to fruition. Oftentimes we are held back from welcoming new things in our lives by fear or limiting beliefs that we don't deserve our wishes and dreams. It's time to release those limiting beliefs, face those fears, bring them to the surface, and then push them to the side and take a leap of faith.

While that may seem scary, know that this Sagittarius New Moon will also instill you with a boost of courage and self-confidence to see your intentions through. Those who dream big and make bold moves are due to be rewarded with a big payoff between now and the Full Moon in Sagittarius in May 2024.

Happy New Moon in Sagittarius!

Posted on by Megan Winkler
Posted on by Megan Winkler