New Moon + Solar Eclipse in Gemini- June 10, 2021
The air sign Gemini New Moon is joined by an annular solar eclipse on June 10, 2021. The previous Full Blood Moon was a lunar eclipse, which helped you let go of what may have been keeping you stuck or stagnant. This solar eclipse also falls on the North Node, which means that changes are occurring that are affecting the world on a collective level. New Moon Gemini represents a new beginning as we all prepare to enter the next phase of our lives.
The Moon in Gemini is conjunct Mercury Retrograde, also in Gemini. You should keep this in mind before committing to ideas, opinions, and decisions, as confusion or lack of clarity could cloud your better judgement. Mercury Retrograde’s alignment with this Moon also suggests you take care of how you communicate as well as how you react to others' beliefs. People or lessons from your past could resurface now, which can be seen as an opportunity to fully reflect and review on the growth you have done.
The solar eclipse in Gemini squares planet Neptune, creating disillusionment and deception. Be sure to remain above-board in all of your dealings now, as it will be more difficult to keep things hidden. The Moon square Neptune could cause lethargy due to a lack of motivation. This is a good time to reconnect to your faith, spiritual values, and healing practices to strengthen self-confidence. Learning to listen and trust your inner voice can be an anchor or source of grounding amidst the current overload of information. Take care to relax and clear the mind of clutter to create an inner sense of calmness.
- Juliana M. Fanucchi