The Inked Grimoire
Types of Spells
Candle magick, ritual baths, and herbal spells are familiar to most of us in the magickal community, so let’s examine some spells that use a container as part of the casting process. Hopefully one or more will be new for you and will enhance your practice!
12 Days of Witchmas
You know the song… “On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…” but why can’t we give ourselves little magickal gifts for 12 days of Witchmas? Guess what? We totally can! So rather than lords and ladies – and all those dang birds, am I right? – how about 12 magickal practices to create an even more delightful Yule this year? Let’s do it!
Using Skulls in Magick for Protection
Skulls can be controversial in magick. They serve as grim reminders of our mortality. Pirates used to use them on their flags to inspire fear in others. However, skulls can also be used in magick as protective objects…and maybe a bit of a warning not to eff with the witch using them!
Gemstones for Mind, Body, Soul Connections
Witches love gemstones like they love jars. We really can’t get enough! We’ve compiled a list of gemstones that are great for connecting with your mind, body, and soul.