The Best Pop Culture Witches According to the IGC Witches

The Best Pop Culture Witches According to the IGC Witches

From the delightfully silly original Sabrina from “Sabrina the Teenage Witch” to Phoebe from “Charmed,” there are dozens of fabulous witches to pick from as inspiration for everything from wardrobe to personality. With Witchy Fandom on our minds this month, we thought it would be fun to do another collaboration blog where you get to hear directly from the IGC Witches about our favorite pop culture witches. So, let’s dive in!

Sarah from “The Craft”

For Morgan, Owner of Inked Goddess Creations, the answer was a little bit of a challenge, but she finally settled on Sarah from “The Craft.”

“At the time I first watched ‘The Craft’ as a teenager, I didn’t know I was a witch, but I knew I was different. When Sarah is first telling the others about how weird things happen to her, I completely understood where she was coming from. I loved how down-to-earth she was and how much power she had below the surface. It was wonderful watching her tap into her magick and own it. That really inspired me to do the same.”

Cordelia from “American Horror Story: Coven”

“She’s an unassuming badass. She’s nurturing and caring to the baby witches, sharing her knowledge and helping them grow. When needed, she rose up like a phoenix from under her mother and took control, showing what a badass she really was, when no one expected her to.” ~ Meghan A.

Sophie Hatter from “Howl’s Moving Castle”

“She’s my favorite pop culture witch because she remains optimistic through all adversity, maintains a kind heart, and rolls with the punches. She doesn’t start out with magickal powers at all, but through her struggles finds the magick within her.” ~ Renee

Rachel Morgan from the “Hollows” Book Series by Kim Harrison

“She tries to ‘do no harm,’ but she definitely ‘takes no shit.’ She’s a total badass and highly protective of those she loves – and she loves HARD. That also sets her up for heartache, but that’s the price we pay. She’s a trailblazer on a path no one thought could exist, but there she goes, kicking ass and taking names.” ~ Angela

Sally Owens from “Practical Magic”

And finally, I’ve got to include my favorite, Sally from “Practical Magic.” I was always so captivated by her desire to hide her magick, to live a normal life. I think I’ve always felt like an outsider, and I could sense that in her, too. But, of course, when she activates her magick, she’s freaking powerful. I love that she does anything for her family – even when it’s slightly misguided, like when they tried to bring Jimmy back – and I mean, who wouldn’t love her little shop?

Now it’s your turn. Share this blog post on your favorite social media platform, tag us, and share your favorite pop culture witch!

Stay Magickal,