Full Blue Moon in Taurus- October 31, 2020
Happy Samhain & Halloween! This is the first Full Moon on Halloween in over 75 years, so this could be a once in a lifetime experience for many of us! This Full Moon is also a Blue Moon, meaning it is the second full moon in one month. Another rarity of this event is that it’s also a micro-moon. Its appearance is smaller in size and less bright as it is farther away from Earth than normal. This actually heightens the energy surrounding Full Moon in Taurus, since micro-moons are said to have a stronger effect on our moods.
Taurus appreciates stability, comfort, and things of beauty. Material possessions are important because they serve as tools to help you connect to your physical reality. This area of your life will be challenged now, which may throw you off-balance emotionally. This Taurus Full Moon shows you where you have overindulged, and how holding onto things hinders your personal progress in more ways than one. Turning your attention away from your attachments will allow you to live from a place of generosity.
The placement of this event suggests that its intense energy will be felt in the week following the actual day of the Full Moon. This gives you more time to let go of what you depend on too much. The great benefit you can receive from this time is the chance to deepen your inner strength and self-reliance! Invest in yourself through meditation, reading a self-help book, or perform a spiritual practice. You will remember that everything you need to feel whole is already within you.
Wishing you a powerful Blue Full Moon in Taurus!
-Juliana M. Fanucchi
Author Bio:
Juliana began studying astrology at a young age. She believes that through understanding how the planets affect us, we can learn how to use their energies to better ourselves and our lives. Juliana studies other metaphysical subjects including numerology, tarot, gemstones, and practices Nicherin Buddhism. In 2016, she earned her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Certification. She currently resides in Tucson, Arizona.