Full Moon in Cancer- January 6, 2022

On January 6th, the Full Moon in Cancer arrives to shed light on your current emotional status. As Cancer is water sign, emotions may be intense for this Full Moon, especially due to this moon's alignment with the planet Uranus, and the fact that we are still in Mars Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde. This Full Moon may illuminate places in your life where you are emotionally unfulfilled. Emotional imbalances may also be revealed, causing you to take a step back and look at the bigger picture of your life. What is stopping you from being emotionally fulfilled? What do you need to cleanse and remove in order to move forward in your life? These are great questions to ponder during this Cancer Full Moon so that you can then release during the upcoming Waning Moon phase!
Cancer is a very intuitive zodiac sign, so this Full Moon will make it easier for you to get in tune with yourself and your intuition. Take some time to meditate, journal, and practice self-care. While you are connected to yourself, ask yourself how you are really doing on all levels- physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, and then listen to the answer. This Cancer Full Moon wants you to explore deeper within yourself so that you can live fully, without anything holding you back.
This Full Moon may also shed light on issues or tension within your family center and imbalances when it comes to your work life. We are still within Capricorn season, which might be pushing you to work, work, work and achieve at any cost. This Full Moon in Cancer urges you to slow down and recenter yourself so that you don't get burned out. Find comfort in loved ones or friends, and really look at those people in your life who don't bring you comfort. Maybe it's time for some new boundaries moving forward so that you know you are making your emotional health a priority in this new year.
Full Moon Blessings to You,