Full Moon in Pisces- September 2, 2020

Full Moon in dreamy Pisces arrives on September 2nd. Your intuition plays a big part in what decisions you make now. Learning to go with yourself and your gut will help you deepen your intuition. Opposite the Full Moon in Pisces is the Sun in Virgo, giving us the grounding energy we need to stay balanced.
It’s no secret that chaos has been affecting so many of our lives, and with this Full Moon, you may feel more overwhelmed by your environment. The planet Neptune rules Pisces as well, and it’s currently in Retrograde. Usually, people aim to hide their deeper anxieties or fears, but Neptune Retrograde will strip away any illusions you have had about yourself or others.
Full Moon in Pisces teaches you when to use logic, and when to go with your gut feeling. By tuning into your deeper emotions, you will find wisdom and guidance. Meditating on the Sacral Chakra will help remove any creative energy blocks. This is a perfect time to find stillness, and ask the universe to show you the answers you seek!
Wishing you a magical Full Moon in Pisces!
~Juliana M. Fanucchi