Full Supermoon in Capricorn- July 13, 2022

The Full Moon in Capricorn greets us on July 13th, and is the largest Supermoon of this year, bringing with it intense energy. Capricorn energy is all about ambition, structure, organization, and creating a better life for yourself (or a better version of yourself). This energy encourages you to focus on your big-picture goals, but rather than adding emotion to them like last month's Full Moon in Sagittarius inspired, Capricorn's energy prefers that you create a step-by-step plan of how to achieve these goals. Adding structure and organization to your intentions is the best way to achieve your dreams.
This Capricorn Full Moon could also shed light on imbalances in your life. If you aren't living the life of your dreams, this Full Moon could illuminate what is holding you back from doing so. Fears, self-sabotage, and lack of responsibility could all be brought to the surface, so it's time to face them so you can begin to move past them during the upcoming waning moon phase.
For this Full Moon, it's time to take a real look at your life, where you want to be, and what steps it will take to get there. This also includes looking at yourself and asking if you are living authentically. What will it take for you to live your inner truth? Why aren't you doing this now? What is holding you back? Take this Capricorn energy as a sign to push your limits and boundaries for the betterment of yourself and your life!
Love and Light,