How to Practice Rebirth and Renewal Magick

As we step into springtime and the world begins to wake up from its wintery slumber, you may find yourself inspired to practice rebirth and renewal magick. This type of magick can take the form of replenishing your energy, intentionally letting go of limiting beliefs, or even working with deities to start fresh on your spiritual path. Let’s explore some ways to practice this healing and supportive magick!
Renewal Magick with a Rose of Jericho
The Rose of Jericho is a fascinating plant! It naturally survives desiccation, totally drying out and then coming back to life when added to water. The gray plant curls up during dry conditions and forms a ball that only opens when it comes in contact with water. In fact, depending on where you're at, some tumbleweeds are actually Roses of Jericho.
This plant's nature and ability to “resurrect” has made it a symbol of renewal and rebirth magick. The easiest way to use it in your practice is to write an intention on a piece of paper and place it beneath a bowl of water. Add your Rose of Jericho to the water, and watch the magick happen!
As your rose unfurls its leaves and begins to green up, it infuses the space with the energy of renewal and resurrection. Each time you look at it, remember that you are releasing the old parts of yourself that are outdated or no longer valid in your life. You’re shedding layers and embracing your favorite self. You’re also opening up to new growth and new opportunities.
Releasing Old Stories
When we release old patterns and old belief systems, we enter a process of rebirth within ourselves. To begin, you must acknowledge these old stories. What are some of them? Any statement that starts with, “I’m not _____ enough” is a good place to start. Identify these stories and statements and write them down on a piece of paper.
Once you’ve written them down, you can conduct a fire ritual and burn those stores to release their energy. I also recommend conducting a cord-cutting ritual to cut the connection between you and those statements/stories. I always end my cord-cutting ritual by imagining the cord releasing from me and wrapping the object of my ritual up, essentially tying it up in the old cord. This will create a powerful visual to recall any time that statement pops up in your mind.
Be sure to call in the new, too! When you release an old habit, story, or belief, you need to fill that space with something nourishing or supportive. Switch the old message out for a positive affirmation, or imagine the part of your body where the cord was attached, filling with healing light.
Releasing magick is perfect for Imbolc, the New Moon, and Scorpio season!
Recharging Your Energy
You don’t have to have fancy spell ingredients or perform an involved ritual to recharge your energy. Fridays are great days for some self-care to help bring your energy back to yourself. Simply take some time for yourself. Whether it’s to do an online yoga class or read a book you’ve been meaning to dive into, you’ll feel recharged soon.
You can also intentionally call your energy back to yourself. Imagine there are multiple cords or tethers between you and people you’ve recently interacted with virtually or in person. Release those connections and say out loud, “I call my energy back to me and release any energy I’ve picked up to return back to its owner.” Better yet, you can call your energy back while enjoying an Epsom salt bath or a spiritually cleansing shower!
Magickal Correspondences for Rebirth and Renewal
- Moon Phases: New Moon and Waning Moon
- Elements: Water, Earth
- Tarot: Judgement
- Trees: Alder, Ash, Apple, Birch, Cedar, Cypress, Elm, Fir, Holly, Oak, Olive, Pine, Spruce, Sycamore, and Yew.
- Herbs & Flowers: Carnation, Fennel, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Lilac, Poppy, Rosemary, Thyme.
- Resins & Incense: Frankincense, Lotus, Myrrh, Patchouli & Sandalwood.
- Gemstones: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Citrine, Garnet, Herkimer Diamond, Kyanite, Peridot, Selenite, Tiger’s Eye, Red or Green Tourmaline & Turquoise.
Gods and Goddesses of Rebirth and Renewal
If you’d like to call on deities to support your rebirth and renewal magick, here are a few to consider.
- Brigid: Celtic goddess of healing, smithing, fertility, and poetry (Imbolc is her sabbat!)
- Gaia: Greek great mother goddess & goddess of the earth
- Inanna: Babylonian & Sumerian goddess of heaven and earth, grain & love
- Isis: Goddess of earth & protector of the dead
- Persephone: Goddess of spring & Queen of the Underworld
- Rhea: Greek Titan, great mother goddess & mother of the Olympian deities
- Amun: Egyptian creator god & patron of Egypt
- Ganesh(a): Hindu Indian god of eloquence, wisdom & Remover of Obstacles
- Shiva: Hindu Indian creator, god of the moon, agriculture, art & death
- The Green Man: The Pagan/Celtic spirit of vegetation & fertility
May the spirit of renewal and rebirth bring you many blessings this spring!
Stay magickal,
Megan W.