New Moon in Aquarius- February 15, 2018

A day after Valentine's Day we are greeted by a new moon in air sign Aquarius, as well as a partial solar eclipse! This February 15th solar eclipse creates new awareness and changes in our thinking as a way to encourage us to continue with our spiritual growth and expansion. February is a unique month in 2018 because there will not be a full moon! So, certain situations may not completely unfold until March!
This solar eclipse has a large focus on ideas and communication, as it closely aligns with planet Mercury. Since this eclipse occurs in the sign of Aquarius, we are reminded to use our freedom to choose what is best for us. Topics of health, friendship, and the progress of our communities and society could be of focus in conversation.
Maybe you've been committed to a certain purpose, to a dream, to an ideal (Aquarius). This solar eclipse will reveal the true, present reality of that ideal. Be open to the possibility that something you thought you wanted and needed isn't what's best for you now! Whether it be a relationship, a career path, or simply the way that you live your life, now is the time to make some serious adjustments. Discover new ideas or goals that mean the most to you now, and let this Aquarius New Moon inspire you to stay true to your authentic self!
Be well! -Juliana M. Fanucchi
Author Bio:
Juliana uses astrology to understand how the planets can affect us on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Raised as a Nichiren Buddhist, she studies other metaphysical interests like numerology, music, tarot, and gemstones. She received her 200 hour yoga certification in December 2016. She currently lives in Tucson, Arizona. You can follow her on Instagram-