New Moon in Leo- August 18, 2020

New Moon in Leo- August 18, 2020

August 18th, the New Moon in Leo asks you to clear all things superficial from your life. Being authentic is often easier said than done. It requires a personal commitment to being honest and real with yourself. If you’ve come to a level of half-hearted acceptance in one or more areas of your life, then it’s time to do some self-evaluation! 

The Leo New Moon also trines Mars in Aries. Aries and Leo work together to inspire creativity and a strong desire to take action. Direct this energy towards removing old patterns and replace them based on what makes you proud to be you! Speak and act from a place of love and kindness, and be appreciated simply for being genuine.

The rest of August is the perfect time to reset your priorities. It’s okay to choose a different path based on what you really want. Are you satisfied with your career?  Or in your love life? Be brave enough to speak up for yourself; you’re future self will thank you for it!  Meditate and connect with your heart center to feel what makes you truly happy. 

Wishing you a blessed New Moon in Leo!

~Juliana M. Fanucchi

Author Bio:
Juliana began studying astrology at a young age.  She believes that through understanding how the planets affect us, we can learn how to use their energies to better ourselves and our lives.  Juliana studies other metaphysical subjects including numerology, tarot, gemstones, and practices Nicherin Buddhism.  In 2016, she earned her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Certification. She currently resides in Tucson, Arizona. 


Posted on by Megan Winkler
Posted on by Megan Winkler