New Moon in Virgo- September 6, 2021

New Moon in Virgo- September 6, 2021

The New Moon in earth sign Virgo on September 6th is a time of clearing out what is no longer useful to you to make room for positive opportunities! We are coming to the end of the summer season, letting go of the intense heat of emotions and energy. To ease the process of integrating what you have learned so far this year, be aware of your health, diet, and exercise routines, and take things slowly when feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated. Decluttering the workspace or refreshing your living spaces can also allow you to feel centered and clear-headed. 

This New Moon forms an especially powerful trine to planet Uranus. It triggers rapid but positive changes, excitement, and freedom. Trusting your intuition and natural psychic abilities can offer you guidance or direction through intense flashes of insight. Virgo is a natural healer and appreciates being of service to others with an open heart. By first acknowledging the expectations you have set for yourself and releasing self judgments, you can create a safe space for people of all walks of life to feel accepted and appreciated. Planet Uranus also suggests that the people you attract or encounter may be quite different from those you regularly interact with!

With your growing consciousness, you could feel more secure in who you are and are better able to express your hidden quirks that make you uniquely beautiful. This New Moon in Virgo also supports the studies of traditional or metaphysical sciences that can teach you how to best utilize your keen perception skills. Virgo's sensitivity towards the well-being of others instills a giving, humanitarian spirit. Now would be a beneficial period to get involved in a progressive cause for your community or simply standing up for those in need! 

- Juliana M. Fanucchi

Author Bio:
Juliana began studying astrology at a young age.  She believes that through understanding how the planets affect us, we can learn how to use their energies to better ourselves and our lives.  Juliana studies other metaphysical subjects including numerology, tarot, gemstones, and practices Nicherin Buddhism.  In 2016, she earned her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Certification. She currently resides in Tucson, Arizona. 
Posted on by Megan Winkler
Posted on by Megan Winkler