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Super Full Moon in Virgo- February 19, 2019

Super Full Moon in Virgo- February 19, 2019

The full moon on February 19 falls in the Earth sign of Virgo. It's also the second Supermoon of the year, meaning its size is larger than that of a regular full moon.  This is a period of reviewing your work, health, habits, and routines. Virgo is skilled at noticing the details in any given project. This full moon will help you to see what needs fixing in order for you to become more productive in your life.  This would be a good time to detox the body from toxins, get rid of unnecessary clutter in the home, or switch up your routine to set yourself up for personal success! Super Full Moon in Virgo- February 19, 2019

While it's helpful to see what changes you could make to become more productive, you should remember that perfection in any form is hard to come by. If you start to feel a sense of pressure to correct everything around you, it could be a sign that you're taking things too seriously. Virgo is also a sign of service, love, and healing. So while you're going through the list of what is no longer working for you, your perspective should come from a place of compassion. This means becoming aware of the suffering of yourself and others. How can you practice sensitivity towards yourself so that you can better serve and support your loved ones?

Opposite the moon in Virgo is the sun in Pisces. The polar opposite energy between Virgo and Pisces can be used to create a balance of logic and emotion.  Anything that needs to be expressed will arise now, as the Super Full Moon sheds its light on the subconscious mind, which holds your deeper, more intimate thoughts and feelings. Take this time to become aware of any fears or doubts you may have that could be holding you back from your deserved happiness. Virgo also deals with health issues, so you should take extra good care of your body and mind, giving up any harmful habits you are holding onto. When you allow yourself to let go of these limitations, you are able to create a more harmonious way of living. 

Wishing you all a healing Super Full Moon in Virgo!
Be Well,
Juliana M. Fanucchi

Author Bio:

Juliana uses astrology to understand how the planets can affect us on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Raised as a Nichiren Buddhist, she studies other metaphysical interests like numerology, music, tarot, and gemstones. She received her 200 hour yoga certification in December 2016. She currently lives in Tucson, Arizona. You can follow her on Instagram-

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