The Inked Grimoire

  • Beltane for the Busy Witch- Inked Goddess Creations

    Beltane for the Busy Witch

    Welcome to Beltane! Back in the day, Beltane was a two-day celebration, starting the night before the sabbat. As fun as this sounds, most of us don’t have time for a 24-hour party. So let’s dive into the busy witch version!

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  • 4 Types of Magick to Practice at Beltane

    4 Types of Magick to Practice at Beltane

    Beltane ushers in the active part of the year and is celebrated from sunset on April 30th to sunset on May 1st. During this magickal time, earth energies are strong, and the world seems to be bursting with fertility energy and renewal.

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