The Inked Grimoire
Thanking The Land- Pagans & Thanksgiving
A pagan's perspective on how to celebrate Thanksgiving with gratitude, honoring the Earth element, and respecting the history and lore of the land around you. -
How to Make a Blessed Home Herbal Jar
Home herbal jars, also called witch bottles, have been used for thousands of years to protect and add certain energies to a witch's home. This post is go help guide you to make a Blessed Home Herbal Jar. -
How to Make Dream Bags
Dream bags can be made to enhance your dreaming experience, whether it be for deep sleep, anti-nightmare, to induce prophetic dreams and more! -
Full Moon in Scorpio- April 29, 2018
This full moon in Scorpio on April 29, 2018 is about deep change and renewal. -
Finding Myself in the Darkness
Morgan, owner of Inked Goddess Creations, tells the story of how she began on the spiritual journey of finding herself. -
Grounding and Centering for the Beginner Witch
The purpose of grounding and centering is to stabilize your energy, draw energy from the Earth, and to bring yourself to a positive state of being. -
Super Blue Blood Moon- January 31st, 2018
The full moon in Leo on January 31st is being called a Super Blue Blood Moon, for its powerful energy. -
New Moon in Scorpio- November 18, 2017
The New Moon in Scorpio will bring huge changes for everyone, and staying positive is the key to adapting and using the power in a positive way. -
Solar Eclipse- August 21, 2017- Bringing Shadows to Light
On August 21, 2017, the moon will be directly between the sun and earth, casting a shadow on our planet, in a total solar eclipse event. Our sky will be completely... -
Embrace Your Paradox
A paradox is defined as a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth. Life is full of paradoxes- "Less is more;" "Hurry up...