New Moon in Cancer- June 28, 2022

On June 28th, the New Moon in Cancer arrives, bringing with it emotional intensity. Home life and your personal space and comfort will be the focus of this New Moon, so be sure to participate in activities centered around creating a sanctuary for yourself- inside and out. Journal, meditate, do things that bring you great comfort and peace, and practice self-care.
This New Moon is square Jupiter, which could cause you to over-exert yourself. You could be very motivated to plan out the next six months of your life, and then want to immediately act on that plan. Take time to really gain clarity on the path before you and what you want to accomplish for not only the next month, but also for the rest of the year. Use the emotional Cancer energy to figure out what will make you the happiest in life, and then commit to making a path there.
Neptune goes into Retrograde the same day as the New Moon in Cancer, causing truths to be revealed for the next 5 months. Now is a time to really tap into your intuition and allow it to guide you more. As truths are revealed, accept each one as a stepping stone toward your true path. Tapping into your intuitive flow can help you gain clarity on the path before you, which intentions to set, and how to achieve them.
Love and Light,