The Inked Grimoire

  • Finding Balance with the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine

    Finding Balance with the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine

    There’s a lot of talk about the divine feminine and divine masculine lately. One is sometimes perceived as being better than the other, and that’s simply untrue. Together, they create a divine alignment that can transform with you depending on your situation or needs.
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  • Gemstones for Mabon Grounding & Balance

    Gemstones for Mabon Grounding & Balance

    Mabon is a celebration, and it’s also a moment of rest – the second harvest has come in, so all of your hard work from the first part of the year is really starting to pay off. The sabbat holds its own symbolism, so we decided to focus on providing you with gemstones that can aid in the balance that Mabon encourages. 
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