31 Days of Samhain FREE Online Event starts October 1st!

The Inked Grimoire

  • The Magick of Nature Walks

    The Magick of Nature Walks

    Walking through the woods or along a beautiful shoreline can help you develop a deeper appreciation of nature and all of its gifts. We witches are often called to align with the natural world, so it’s the perfect opportunity to stretch your legs and explore the magick around you. 
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  • Earth Magick for Abundance, Grounding, & Connection

    Earth Magick for Abundance, Grounding, & Connection

    Earth is our mother, and this element rounds out the four physical elements of our blog series (stay tuned for Spirit!). The earth provides our homes and reminds us to rely on forces stronger than us to help us stay on the right path. Earth Magick can be extremely centering and supportive, too, so let’s dig into it!

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  • The Magick of Grounding & Centering

    The Magick of Grounding & Centering

    Whether it’s the everyday stresses that have you on edge, or you just don’t feel right after one of your magickal rituals, grounding and centering can help you feel like yourself again.
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