The Inked Grimoire

  • Samhain for the Busy Witch

    Samhain for the Busy Witch

    Samhain occurs on October 31 – the same day as Halloween! The energy of Samhain occurs the week before and the week after October 31, so don’t feel too much pressure to practice your rituals on the date if you’ve got other things going on in your life.
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  • Scrying Magick 101

    Scrying Magick 101

    Scrying is an ancient divination practice rooted in Ancient China, Egypt, and Greece. Scrying is accessible to anyone who wants to practice it, and it doesn’t have to include large-scale predictions about the world or the future.
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  • Stop Trying to Memorize Tarot, Witches!

    Stop Trying to Memorize Tarot, Witches!

    With the Major and Minor Arcana, there are 78 cards in all, and that makes for a lot of memorization. But what if you didn’t have to memorize the cards at all? That’s right, witches! It’s time to stop memorizing the cards and allow your intuition to guide you. Here’s how.
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  • Ice Spells for Banishing or Divination

    Ice Spells for Banishing or Divination

    Ice magick is used to create boundaries, protection, and cool heated situations, much like water magick. However, it’s more intense and focused. So, if you need to freeze someone out, ice magick is definitely the way to go. Here are some of our favorite ice magick spells!
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  • Witchy Shit to Do During October

    Witchy Shit to Do During October

    October may be our favorite month of the year, but it’s not all bats and pumpkins. October is a wonderful time to really get your witchy vibes on, with ancestor work, divination, and more! Here are some fun ideas to indulge your witchy side this month.

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  • Exploring Seidr and Norse Magick

    Exploring Seidr and Norse Magick

    Seidr is a form of Norse magick that involves divining someone’s future, interpreting what was divined, and then attempting to manipulate it. Pronounced “SAY-der,” the method was practiced by women and gods, and Freya is credited with bringing seidr to the gods.
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  • Crystal Shapes & Their Magickal Benefits

    Crystal Shapes & Their Magickal Benefits

    From raw stones, hearts, and towers, to tumbled stones, spheres, and more, crystal cuts and shapes seem endless. That’s why we’ve created this handy guide to help you determine which options are best for the work you want to do. 
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