The Inked Grimoire

  • 4 Types of Magick to Practice at Beltane

    4 Types of Magick to Practice at Beltane

    Beltane ushers in the active part of the year and is celebrated from sunset on April 30th to sunset on May 1st. During this magickal time, earth energies are strong, and the world seems to be bursting with fertility energy and renewal.

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  • Yuletide Traditions

    Yuletide Traditions

    Regardless of your religion, it is easy to honor some of the ancient traditions of the holiday season, and you might already be doing so! 
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  • Samhain Ritual for the Beginner Witch

    Samhain Ritual for the Beginner Witch

    Samhain, the final harvest festival of the year, marks the Witches New Year. The veil between worlds is at its thinnest, making this a good time to contact passed loved ones and do some divination. This article contains correspondences for Samhain, as well as a Samhain ritual for you to perform.
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  • Samhain Correspondences

    Samhain, the Witch's New Year

    Samhain is a time to cast away that which no longer serves you, a time of divination & honoring ancestors of your past, as the veil between the worlds is thin!
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  • Mabon Ritual for the Beginner Witch

    Mabon Ritual for the Beginner Witch

    Mabon is the second harvest of the year and a time for expressing gratitude for all of the blessings in life. It is a time of plenty and abundance, not just for food, but in other aspects of life as well. 
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  • A Quick Look at Lammas- The First Harvest

    A Quick Look at Lammas- The First Harvest

    August 1st marks the pagan sabbat of Lammas (also known as Lughnasadh, after the god Lugh), which can be celebrated the whole month long. It is the time of the year when the first harvests are made, both internally and externally, and the body, mind, and soul should start preparing for the shorter days and the descent into the shadow time.
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