The Inked Grimoire

  • Samhain for the Busy Witch

    Samhain for the Busy Witch

    Samhain occurs on October 31 – the same day as Halloween! The energy of Samhain occurs the week before and the week after October 31, so don’t feel too much pressure to practice your rituals on the date if you’ve got other things going on in your life.
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  • Lammas for the Busy Witch

    Lammas for the Busy Witch

    Celebrating the sabbats is easy, even if you’re a busy witch! Today we’re talking about Lammas aka Lughnasadh. This is the first harvest festival of the pagan Wheel of the Year. Let’s dive in!

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  • Litha for the Busy Witch

    Litha for the Busy Witch

    Litha’s energy is fun, fiery, and celebratory. This sabbat is about the divine masculine, which supports confidence, motivation, and courage.

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  • Beltane for the Busy Witch- Inked Goddess Creations

    Beltane for the Busy Witch

    Welcome to Beltane! Back in the day, Beltane was a two-day celebration, starting the night before the sabbat. As fun as this sounds, most of us don’t have time for a 24-hour party. So let’s dive into the busy witch version!

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  • Ostara for the Busy Witch

    Ostara for the Busy Witch

    You’re a busy witch and may not have time for a full-blown ritual. So, here’s how to celebrate Ostara quickly while still honoring the sabbat properly! Ostara falls on or around March 20th on the day of the Spring Equinox. On this day, both day and night are of equal lengths. After the Equinox, the days will continue to get longer and the nights shorter.

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  • Imbolc for the Busy Witch

    Imbolc for the Busy Witch

    Welcome to the season of Imbolc! This sabbat celebrates renewal, rejuvenation, and a return of the light. It’s a soft time when things are beginning to stir after the sleepy, cold winter.
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  • Lammas: the First Harvest

    Lammas: the First Harvest

    Samhain, Yule, Beltane – some sabbats get all the attention! And others, namely Lammas, tend to be forgotten about. Maybe it’s because we’re all caught up in summer vacations or preparing for kids to go back to school. Whatever the reason, we tend to skip over Lammas, but it’s just as important as the rest of the celebrations throughout the year. After this, it may just become one of your favorite sabbats to observe!
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  • Brigid: Goddess of Fire & Inspiration

    Brigid: Goddess of Fire & Inspiration

    Brigid is the Celtic Goddess of Fire and Inspiration. Her magick centers around sacred fire, healing water, and creative inspiration. She’s a nurturing triple goddess, and you can call on her when you need help finding motivation, protection, healing, wisdom, and more.

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  • Celebrating Imbolc – A Return To The Light

    Celebrating Imbolc – A Return To The Light

    Spring is coming – can you feel it? Imbolc marks the half-way point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox, and it’s a celebration of the return to life. In the Celtic seasonal calendar, it also marks the start of the lambing season – when the lambs are born for spring. It is a time of celebration, renewal, and hope.
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  • Full Cold Moon in Gemini- December 12, 2019

    Full Cold Moon in Gemini- December 12, 2019

    December 12, 2019 brings the final Full Moon phase of the current eclipse cycle which began with the July 2nd solar eclipse earlier this year! This means it is a crucial time to complete long term projects.
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