• Cooking and Baking for the Dark Season

    Cooking and Baking for the Dark Season

    The dark season, from Mabon (the Autumn Equinox) to Yule (the Winter Solstice), is the part of the year in the Northern Hemisphere when we receive fewer hours of daylight than other times of the year. The nights are longer, the days colder, and we have a natural desire to hibernate and eat nourishing, filling food. It’s also the perfect time for baking and cooking over a hot stove while it gets chilly outside. So, we thought we'd share some of our favorite recipes for the season!
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  • Cozy Witchcraft for Autumn and Winter

    Cozy Witchcraft for Autumn and Winter

    With the shortening days and lengthening nights, it’s the perfect time of year to cozy up with some comfy witchcraft – and witchy crafts! Here are some ideas for increasing the magick of the autumn season with your own magickal crafts.
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  • Mug Magick for Cozy Witchcraft

    Mug Magick for Cozy Witchcraft

    What is mug magick? Quite simply, it’s any kind of magick you can do with your coffee, tea, or cocoa. What makes mug magick so appealing is that you can work it into your day easily, without having to create an elaborate ritual. Talk about something we busy witches need in our busy lives!
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  • The 2022 Inked Goddess Creations Gift Guide

    The 2022 Inked Goddess Creations Gift Guide

    Whether you’re shopping for an experienced witch, a new practitioner, or anyone in between, these gifts are sure to delight. We’ve even broken them down into easy categories to simplify your search.

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  • Spell Casting 101

    Spell Casting 101

    If the idea of casting a spell brings to mind a cinematic image of three sisters over a boiling cauldron, just know that we’re big fans of “Hocus Pocus” too! However, you don’t have to be super fancy about your spells. As you continue reading this post, there’s one thing I want you to remember: You are the magick.
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  • Old-World Names for Herbs

    Old-World Names for Herbs

    “Eye of newt and toe of frog, Wool of bat and tongue of dog…” the witches of “Macbeth” chant. Luckily for the squeamish, these are names of plants and not the body parts of poor animals!
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  • Cooling Off with Summer Magick

    Cooling Off with Summer Magick

    Just because we’re in the sultry, sunny, humid (or dry) days of summer doesn’t mean we can’t get our magick on. Here are a few ideas for cooler summer magickal practices.
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  • Room-by-Room Guide To Cleansing Your Home

    Room-by-Room Guide to Cleansing Your Home

    Have you been looking for inspiration for cleansing your home that goes beyond a smoke cleanse? We’ve got you covered with different ways to cleanse the major rooms in your home, from the kitchen to the bedrooms. 
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  • Earth Magick for Abundance, Grounding, & Connection

    Earth Magick for Abundance, Grounding, & Connection

    Earth is our mother, and this element rounds out the four physical elements of our blog series (stay tuned for Spirit!). The earth provides our homes and reminds us to rely on forces stronger than us to help us stay on the right path. Earth Magick can be extremely centering and supportive, too, so let’s dig into it!

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  • Making Magick with Mundane Household Items

    Making Magick with Mundane Household Items

    Despite what social media may portray, your magickal practice does not have to be elaborate to be effective. Remember, YOU are the magick, and your intention is the strongest part of your practice. You don’t need any fancy tools either. Here are some Cottage Witch-inspired ideas to help you transform mundane household items into magickal ones! 
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  • Magickal Ingredients to Rediscover in the Kitchen

    Magickal Ingredients to Rediscover in the Kitchen

    Sometimes we have something utterly magickal right under our nose, but don’t think to use it that way. Take lemons: they’re so familiar that I forget about all the ways I can use them to infuse magick into a dish. So today, we’re exploring some less-common ingredients and a couple that you may have overlooked or – dare I say – have gotten bored with. May you see them in a new light after reading this post.
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  • Kitchen Witch Secrets from the IGC Witches

    Kitchen Witch Secrets from the IGC Witches

    We love our kitchen witchery here at Inked Goddess Creations. If you’re new to the practice, it could seem like kitchen magick is reserved for cooking, but we put our heads together and thought about all the ways we infuse our kitchens with magick almost daily. Maybe you’ve been creating more magick in the kitchen than you thought!
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