• Ostara for the Busy Witch

    Ostara for the Busy Witch

    You’re a busy witch and may not have time for a full-blown ritual. So, here’s how to celebrate Ostara quickly while still honoring the sabbat properly! Ostara falls on or around March 20th on the day of the Spring Equinox. On this day, both day and night are of equal lengths. After the Equinox, the days will continue to get longer and the nights shorter.

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  • Imbolc for the Busy Witch

    Imbolc for the Busy Witch

    Welcome to the season of Imbolc! This sabbat celebrates renewal, rejuvenation, and a return of the light. It’s a soft time when things are beginning to stir after the sleepy, cold winter.
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  • Glamour Magick 101 for the Busy Witch

    Glamour Magick 101 for the Busy Witch

    Like most forms of magick, glamour magick has been sensationalized in pop culture. In real life, glamour magick is deeply personal and far less physically transformational, yet it’s a foundational practice in witchcraft.
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  • The Magickal “In-Between”

    The Magickal “In-Between”

    Beauty exists in the “in-between” spaces of magick that may not get as much attention: gray magick, the waxing and waning moon phases, and beyond. Yet, these in-between points are just as magickal and wonderful and deserve some recognition too.

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  • Mini Money Magick: Little Ways to Practice

    Mini Money Magick: Little Ways to Practice

    We’re all about the Busy Witch lifestyle here at Inked Goddess Creations, so we wanted to create a quick list of easy, small ways to practice money magick. We’re calling it “Mini Money Magick” and all these tips take only one or two steps to complete.
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  • Money Magick Do's and Don’ts

    Money Magick Do's and Don’ts

    It can be so tempting to tap into money magick; however, it’s one of those practices that should come with a warning label. You can accidentally trigger events that you don’t want to happen! Here are some handy suggestions for casting prosperity and money spells.
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  • How to Use Incense In Your Magick

    How to Use Incense In Your Magick

    Incense is a beautiful, historical ritual tool. These days, you can find it in stick, cone, loose, and backflow forms, but it’s hardly new. Incense was used in ancient Egypt to purify ceremonial spaces and burial tombs.
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  • Exploring Planetary Magick

    Exploring Planetary Magick

    Just as your inner work can influence the outer world and vice versa, so too can the planets affect your magick and help guide you in your practice. Each planet influences our lives and allows us the opportunity to tap into different energies. Let’s dive into Planetary Magick!
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  • Which Type of Witch Are You?

    Which Type of Witch Are You?

    You may already have a full understanding of what kind of witch you are, but if you don’t, we created this handy little guide to help. These categories of witches are intentionally left broad because we believe there’s no one correct way to be a witch. You might be a combination of a few of these types, or you may have received a practice from your family.
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  • Busy Witch Hacks from the IGC Witches

    Busy Witch Hacks from the IGC Witches

    If you’re a busy witch like we are here at Inked Goddess Creations, you like to practice magick quickly and effectively whenever possible. To help you do that, we put our heads together and came up with all the ways we use short cuts in our practice and bring more magick to our days.
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