The Inked Grimoire

  • Lammas for the Busy Witch

    Lammas for the Busy Witch

    Celebrating the sabbats is easy, even if you’re a busy witch! Today we’re talking about Lammas aka Lughnasadh. This is the first harvest festival of the pagan Wheel of the Year. Let’s dive in!

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  • Lammas: the First Harvest

    Lammas: the First Harvest

    Samhain, Yule, Beltane – some sabbats get all the attention! And others, namely Lammas, tend to be forgotten about. Maybe it’s because we’re all caught up in summer vacations or preparing for kids to go back to school. Whatever the reason, we tend to skip over Lammas, but it’s just as important as the rest of the celebrations throughout the year. After this, it may just become one of your favorite sabbats to observe!
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