The Inked Grimoire
Putting B*tches Into Jars
Have you ever felt weighed down by the negative energy of people around you? In our latest podcast episode, Morgan shares her unique approach to spell jars, particularly those used for banishing and binding. -
Types of Spells
Candle magick, ritual baths, and herbal spells are familiar to most of us in the magickal community, so let’s examine some spells that use a container as part of the casting process. Hopefully one or more will be new for you and will enhance your practice!
Spell Casting 101
If the idea of casting a spell brings to mind a cinematic image of three sisters over a boiling cauldron, just know that we’re big fans of “Hocus Pocus” too! However, you don’t have to be super fancy about your spells. As you continue reading this post, there’s one thing I want you to remember: You are the magick. -
Earth-Friendly Disposal of Spell Ingredients
After your spell or ritual, you sometimes need to do away with the leftover bits. Let’s explore earth-friendly ways to dispose of your ritual items that are also magickally sound!