31 Days of Samhain FREE Online Event starts October 1st!

The Inked Grimoire

  • Samhain for the Busy Witch

    Samhain for the Busy Witch

    Samhain occurs on October 31 – the same day as Halloween! The energy of Samhain occurs the week before and the week after October 31, so don’t feel too much pressure to practice your rituals on the date if you’ve got other things going on in your life.
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  • How to Set Up an Ancestor Altar

    How to Set Up an Ancestor Altar

    As we move toward the thinning of the veil at Samhain, you may feel the urge to connect with your ancestors. From cooking with your ancestors to setting up an ancestor altar, there are many ways to honor those who have come before you. In this post, I’ll discuss setting up an ancestor altar. Your altar can be as elaborate or as simple as you desire.

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  • Witchy Shit to Do During October

    Witchy Shit to Do During October

    October may be our favorite month of the year, but it’s not all bats and pumpkins. October is a wonderful time to really get your witchy vibes on, with ancestor work, divination, and more! Here are some fun ideas to indulge your witchy side this month.

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