The Inked Grimoire
New Moon in Gemini- June 3, 2019
On June 3rd, the New Moon is in air sign Gemini, which means it’s time to put your communication and social skills to the test! -
Introducing Your Kids to Magickal Practice
While it might feel intimidating to introduce your children to the magick you practice, it can also be a beautiful time to bond with them and introduce them to the beliefs that support your everyday life. -
Full Moon in Scorpio- May 18, 2019
On May 18th, the Full Moon in water sign Scorpio brings the chance for you to make emotional adjustments. -
Romancing the Stone: Amethyst- Stone of Temperance
The lore of amethyst holds a lesson for us all, and reminds us to keep a cool head in times of trial. -
New Moon in Taurus- May 4, 2019
On May 4th, Earth sign Taurus brings you back down to Earth. The two weeks following this New Moon can be used as a much-needed fresh start. -
4 Types of Magick to Practice at Beltane
Beltane ushers in the active part of the year and is celebrated from sunset on April 30th to sunset on May 1st. During this magickal time, earth energies are strong, and the world seems to be bursting with fertility energy and renewal.
Full Moon in Libra- April 19, 2019
On April 19th, a rare second full moon in Libra carries more intensity with it than the previous one. -
5 Unusual Ways to Use Your Crystals
Working with crystals is a creative and endless practice. Try some of these unusual uses for crystals to offer added protection, abundance, and inspiration to your home. -
New Moon in Aries- April 5, 2019
On April 5th, the new moon in Aries marks the start of a new and exciting cycle. -
Full Moon in Libra- March 20, 2019
On March 20th, Libra Full Moon shows us how to create balance in our lives. -
New Moon in Pisces- March 6, 2019
The New Moon in Pisces arrives on March 6th, heightening your intuition, guiding you to make the best decisions for your emotional well being. -
Super Full Moon in Virgo- February 19, 2019
The full moon on February 19 falls in the Earth sign of Virgo, and is the second Supermoon of the year. This is a period of reviewing your work, health, habits, and routines.